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“It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people’s behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds.”

I completely agree with this statement. Although human beings have been declared the most intelligent, people still have feral drives and instincts. Just as this rule that Mrs. J set that all work must be submitted by 11:59pm Sunday December 12 and I can’t help but watch the football game. The rules can’t change who a person is. Just as a man who is married cheats on his spouse, and has no explanation for his actions. Some people call it an opportunistic gain. However, to engage in the acts was not a necessity. The only explanation for these actions would be that he had a lapse of self-control. Not justifying the act of cheating, but using this as an example of how this is present is real life.

In recent years, I have come to be open-minded and instead of looking for a quick and easily accepted exploitation, I learned to pry and achieve the truth. I was recently watching a recording of an interview of Charles Manson and although people say that he is deranged and psychotic, his words made perfect sense to me. When I explained this to someone I was met with a bombardment of bias criticism of people saying that Charles Manson was charming but manipulative so his words have no value. These people were all older than I am and were alive long enough to remember the heinous acts that he performed or were carried out under orders from him and because of that they were unable to produce a non-partial opinion on this matter.
For some reason, I could not shake the feeling that someone should understand exactly what I meant and agree that the things he was saying made allot of sense especially when he was talking about the legal system. Everyone I turned to, refused to believe that Manson had anything to say that would be of benefit to any anyone.
Ultimately this whole ordeal inspired me, or should I say bought to my attention that everyone is not looking to gain enough knowledge to form their own opinion on a matter. Overalll this event inspired me to acknowledge that people don’t want to know the truth, and that it is better to be able to apply my time doing something productive instead of wasting it trying to reach the masses of people who don’t want to learn.
Fuck em.

Why do people have the misconception that the police are their friends? For everyone who doesn’t know, the police are not your fucking friends. Just think of the last interaction that you had with the police and how much help did he offered you. Little to none, right? A friend of mine was robbed at gunpoint and when he called the police, the officer told him “,you should’ve whipped that dude’s ass.” None of his property was retrieved. When was the last time you herd that someone was found innocent because of a statement they gave to the police? Never muthafucka!!! So why do people feel that it is so necessary to talk to the police when they have been accused of a criminal offense? As if the police have any bearing on their defense or what the Commonwealth, District, or State Attorneys are going to indite them on other that what ever evidence they have already acquired.
Why is it that when people meet me, I am categorized into category of people with little to no intelligence who probably raps and sells drugs? After people get to know me, they say things like “, You’re nothing like I thought you were.” I would like to apologize for not meeting everyone’s stereotypical expectations by not being a carjacking, purse snatching, dope slinging, sect-banning gangster.

In Stanley Fish’s article Devoid of Content, Fish expressed that he believed that the only proper way to teach English id to focus on form and to be completely free of content in any way from or fashion. Fish explained that he believed that when content is introduced, it has the ability to completely overtake form and that when that happens, the quality of learning is diminished severely.
Collin Brooke wrote an article in response to Fish’s Devoid of Content titled Fish in a Barrel. Brooke explained that he believed that Fish making the claims that he did was absurd and that he was simply seeking self-glorification in writing the article. Brook went on to finish by saying that he didn’t doubt that Fish’s students could comprise clear and coherent sentences that could possibly create paragraphs that could possibly form essays, but the claim that his way is the only proper way to teach college writing is offensive to him and should be to anyone who teaches college writing.
After reading both articles, it is conclusive to me that Stanley Fish is a self-indulged, arrogant asshole and Collin Brooke is a punk ass gratification seeking bitch. Although Fish does disclose somewhat of an outline that tells some of his techniques in teaching, the majority of his article is “,This is my great way of teaching. This is how much it’s better than your techniques. This is how much my students are better than yours. This is how much better than you I am.” All I gained from reading Fish’s article is a feel of how much of an asshole I believe he is. Even though I do believe that his formula would be an interesting task to take on in creating a language, from the impression I got from reading his article I believe that his class would be so dry that my interest in completing his class would be as low as it could possibly be and I would probably hate him as an instructor. Collin Brooke responded directly responded to Fish’s article. Brooke did not give that much to build an impression of his character, but the fact that he felt so obliged as to respond directly to Fish’s article in the winey manner that he did somewhat tells something about him. Although it would have been cool in my opinion if Brooke would have made his statements in the defense of his profession, but he clearly designated his article a “,hissy fit” which says to me BITCH. To conclude, I believe that Brooke is probably a cool teacher that believes in the work that he does and Fish is an asshole who doesn’t believe in human error.

In the article written by Harold Bloom titled Dumbing Down America’s readers, Bloom expresses that in his opinion Stephen King is in the least undeserving of the prestigious annual National Book Foundation Award. Bloom expressed that in his opinion that King is dwarfed in comparison to other writers in which he will be sharing the honor of being presented the same award. Bloom also went on to say that he thought King was comparable to J.K. Rowling whom he also feels is in the least an inferior writer.
Steve Almond wrote an article in response to Bloom’s Dumbing Down America’s Readers titled the Bloom is Off the Mark. Almond made the statement that Bloom’s strong displease was misplaced. On the base argument, Almond did agree that King did not deserve to be presented the award over other more creative “artist”.
I believe that in time as things become more popular and wide spread the value of those things will decrease. In today’s world book publishing is controlled by popular demand and commercial appeal. As Almond stated, if you can’t put a profit on it then it is not encouraged. In today’s society, people would rather be told what is good than to endeavor themselves and develop their own opinion. I am in no way in a position to make a comment on rather Stephen King is a good writer or not but, based on his credentials I do believe that Bloom is a credible source to receive such information on this subject. I also believe that almond is a credible source and I find Almond’s article to be more credible. Although Bloom had a strong opinion on this matter I feel that the comparisons that he made are in some ways unrealistic. In all, I think that Bloom just sounds like a hater.

I remember life lessons and experiences that molded me to the person I am today.
I remember significant events that make me think the way I think and say the things I say.
I remember that as hard as you try and strive to achieve and be successful, exist an opposite force trying not to let you.
I remember that over an extended period of time, anything will fail and upset you.
I remember there is a time and place for crying.
I remember my sister and grandmother dying.
I remember to be principal oriented and cemented in my beliefs.
I remember not to be an Indian but to be a chief.
I remember physical is dwarfed by mental pain.
I remember that you will lose every time facing off with a freight train.
I remember that life is a gift that cannot be replaced like material objects people possess.
I remember to acknowledge the good times and avoid the stress.
I remember when I had fears and faced them.
I remember my dreams while I chase them.
I remember to appreciate all the small things and not to live too fast.
I remember that every day could be my last.

This is a story of an event in my life that I had become a victim of unfavorable circumstances. All the events disclosed within this essay are true. Only the time and names parties will be withheld or changed to protect the privacy and image of other parties involved.
On the night of October 24, of 2007, I received a call from my mistress Miss Desire stating that she would like nothing more than to spend a romantic evening with me. Due to the fact that I was preoccupied with other activities I reluctantly opted for a rain check however, she would not take no for an answer. Convinced by Desire’s display of affection, I reluctantly agreed to spend the evening with her. I arrived at her house at around 10 o’clock that evening. As I approached Ms. Desire’s home, I called her with no response. Figuring that she was probably just getting ready to leave, I decided to be patient and wait. As I waited in my car I begin to get a feeling that something was not right. At that very moment I looked up to the side of my mistresses’ house to see a dark silhouette that appeared to be a woman running in a frantic manner as if she were being pursued by a rabid animal. I exited my vehicle to investigate this occurrence. Upon exiting my vehicle, I noticed another silhouette that appeared to be a man in pursuit of the first one. I ran to see what was happening. When I moved into a better position to see what was happening, I saw what appeared to be a man tackle a woman into some bushes and continue to assault her by punching her. I grabbed the man only to discover Miss Desire being assaulted by an unidentified assailant.
This is the point where I am going to discuss how deep this situation gets and just how it put me in a situation that I was facing circumstances that were not favor bible to me. At this time, I happened to be employed in the field of public safety. Therefore with my commission as a public safety officer I not only had the ability to detain a person but in accordance to law, I had an obligation to respond in a manner to disrupt the criminal offence that I just observed in my presence. However, it could have appeared that I may have had a vested interest by knowing Ms. Desire. To make the situation that much worst, the formally unknown assailant was then identified as Ms. Desire’s estranged husband who will be referred to as Mr. Ex. With no other alternative at this point, I called for assistance. Assistance arrived in the form of other public safety officer from another public safety department that operates as a completely separate entity that had no bearing over any legal process that could be initiated by an individual employed by the office in which my commission was issued or any disciplinary action imposed upon me. Even so, the ranking public safety officer of the other department approached the situation with an oblivious bias against the “outside man” in an affair involving someone’s marriage which is what I appeared to be. The ranking officer disregarded the facts of the incident that had occurred and openly expressed to Mr. Ex that he had also experienced infidelity with his wife. At that point it became oblivious to me that this officer was a blatant idiot with a position of power who was told a fairy tale and decided to believe it because of his physical inadequacies or whatever the case may have been that he could not satisfy his own wife. At this point, the officer came to me and told me that he was displeased with my actions. I told the officer that I had been nothing but honest to him and that the story that I told him was the truth. Unfortunately, the fraternal bond of the brotherhood of Little, Tiny, Limp Dick Assholes could not be broken by things as miniscule as the law or a public safety officer’s duty to respond diligently and act under color of law. Even though, Mr. Ex had been convicted multiple times of domestic assault against Ms. Desire and the officer could easily access those records directly from his vehicle, Mr. Ex was released from custody by the other department after the commanding refused to assist me with the extradition in violation of the law. The officer then took the extra step to call my on duty commanding officer and relay a story of extreme misconduct.
My commanding officer commanded me to report directly to the public safety building that I was assigned my tour of duty and complete a series of incident reports. Upon completion of the reports, I was immediately placed on administrative leave. Later that morning, the warrant was issued for the arrest of Mr. Ex. A few days later, I examined the evidence compiled against me and decided to resign my commission. Fuck them.
What happened to me was called getting blackballed. The public safety officer of the other department clearly made an extremely poor judgment call in the field and found himself and his whole department liable for the gross negligence for the actions that he had commenced into. They needed a scapegoat or someone to blame and elevate any claim of them being negligent. I was that scapegoat.
Mr. Ex was apprehended months later and convicted for the assault.
I worked tirelessly to get justice for the event that occurred and the malfeasance and utter disregard of the laws. I never got any justice. Honestly, no one even gave a shit.
True Fuckin’ Story

In society today, there are many aspects that people consider being the foundation of success. Being black, and from the projects is far from being born with the proverbial silver spoon. In most cases, it is the exact opposite. It has been proven that people are to become as those around them, a product of their environment or birds of a feather. Whatever the lame-ass quote you want to use, people usually strive to become what they believe is the pinnacle of existence from what they have been exposed to and loose all their ambitions when they achieve a position that they can comfortably earn a livable wage that they consider to be socially acceptable. As a child I was told that my dreams were not realistic, negative or both. I always wanted to grow up and become a Megatron. Megatron (leader of the Decepticons ) was a badass dude that had a plan to improve his living situation, but was constantly menaced buy the punk-ass goody-two-shoes group of robots called the Autobots, alongside of various law enforcement agencies (for those who don’t know). When people got I Megatron’s way, he would bust his gun. I only grew up to realize that the possibility of becoming a cartoon charter was highly improbable. Other than television, there were hardly any positive influences. With an absent father, I was raised in a time some said to be full of regret and bad news so consequently in that light, my values were learned from people some would call bad dudes. Regardless of the circumstances, I refuse to lose. I have new acquired ambitions and more realistic goals. Even though in certain situations I obviously intimidate people, I have learned to embrace the gifts that I was given in the form of my physical attributes. Sadly, there are people in high places and in positions of authority that to cast prejudice views and have negative opinions of people because they believe that they are inferior to them because of where they come from or what color their skin is. Even so I still believe in the freedoms afforded to us United States Citizen within the First Amendment of the United States Constitutions. And in accordance to that we are all entitled to our own opinion. On that note I would like to express my opinion to all those who share the ignorant opinion that people of a different ethnic or social background are inferior to them (including that bitch ass racist Norfolk General District Judge). You all should make your best effort to insure that no more who will share you ignorance will inhabit this planet after you are gone. So practice safe sex and GO FUCK YOURSELF!
P.S. to all my readers, I know that in the url my revolutionary is spelled with an extra O after the L, Maybe I meant to do that, maybe it was a typo.

This is Bert. I am not going to hold any words back. It has become apparent to me that for whatever reason I am the walking, talking equivalent to probable cause. Due to recent events that have occurred in my life, I have grown to dislike the police. I hate the police! As well as other hippocratic bureaucracies that have grown accustom to operating in a certain fashion and delivering “justice” in an ass-backward way. This is to include the courts. Second Amendment= the answer.

Look forward to blogin’ with ya,
